When it comes to quality, we are the one you need!

Linda Tube, established in 1998 has been providing customers with the highest quality Steel Tube/Pipe at a competitive prices

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Quality work through dedication

With 9 new mills located in the 10th of Ramadan industrial city and another in Morocco, we have managed to respond to local and international customers demands with the shortest lead time possible thus eliminating the need for customer’s investments in inventory.


Linda Team

Linda Group team emphasizes long term business relation, thus we have committed ourselves to put the extra effort to assure that our customers are fully satisfied with our products and business dealings.

Linda Tube

Linda Tube, established in 1998 has been providing customers with the highest quality Steel Tube/Pipe at a competitive prices

Linda Engineering

Linda Engineering is one of the leading material handling and industrial supplier equipment in the local market.
Thanks to the commitment of our team and the quality of our work, various large industries have trusted us with their supplies.


Lighting Upgrades

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Install A Ceiling Fan

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Backup Generators

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Wiring Upgrades

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LED Lighting

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Insurance Inspections

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Why Choose Us


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Safe & Secure

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24x7 Support

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Low Cost

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Request A Quote Today


Reach Us

Location :

44 Burg Al Hana, #62, Madinet Al Zahra, Helmiet Al Zayton Cairo, Egypt

Email :


Phone :


+1 123-456-7890

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We thank you for visiting Linda Tube’s web site. As we look forward to hearing from you in person, we hope that you could use this site as a tubing reference as well as an introduction to our services.